Navigating Transition

Change is kinda my thing. I’m totally comfortable stopping something if it’s no longer working for me and moving on to something else. I changed majors in college multiple times. I’ve had many different jobs and internships. I’ve moved from Hawaii to California, New Zealand and now Austin. However, my anxiety around transitions hasn’t served me well in the past. Usually it meant checking out mentally of my current situation and planning every step for the future. I didn’t leave myself space to move through the ending or transition. I would rush into the next thing fueled by my fear of not having a plan.




Thats my twenties in a nutshell :)

Well as I’ve aged I’d like to think I’ve gotten wiser. Currently at this moment in space and time, I find myself at another ending. Except this time I’m working on giving myself space to just. Be. Here. To reflect on my journey to this point and to feel all the feels. Proud, exhausted, full, empty, anxious, content. My yoga practice on and off my mat has taught me the gift of awareness. By being aware of what’s happening in my inner space I can identify when my anxiety starts to become overwhelming. The need to control creeps in and creates panic in my mind. That’s when I need more support. My favorite yoga teacher’s class, conversation with my partner, family, friends, nourishing foods, meditation, rituals. Reminders that I am on the right path.

Navigating a transition requires a balance of both head and heart.

We can use the experience and knowledge we’ve gained thus far to make informed decisions as we listen to what’s calling to our hearts.  When we give ourselves space to be right where we are, the path will unfold naturally. Support comes when we least expect it at just the right moment. As we stop rushing to the next thing on our checklist we open ourselves up to the magic that the Universe has in store for us. It’s greater than you can even imagine. Sending you love, where ever YOU are on your journey. Namaste. 

Satchie Wolfe