Paradigm Shift

Hi there friends.

Since returning from India I have been undergoing a slow transformation. I’m basically starting all over again in a new career path as a Yoga Teacher. Even though I have been teaching yoga for over a year now, my main focus during that time was AmeriCorps. Now moving forward I’m having to adjust my habits to support the new direction of my life.


So, that being said I wanted to take a moment to discuss shifting your paradigm. This is a message that has been showing up in my life and I feel like its something we all can relate to. Have you been trying to make changes to your life lately? Maybe you are trying to improve one specific area of your life like career, health, home life, sleep, relationships, etc. Or maybe you want an overall improved quality of life. How can we make these changes in a graceful way that allows us to let go and create space for something new to flow into our life? I’ve realized that in order to change the quality of our life its all about the small details. Sure we can make a big change: quit a job, start a new career, end a relationship, commit to a 40 day diet-plan, etc. But if we don’t focus on the small shifts, the way we complete each action throughout our day, the big change will ultimately bring us to the same place of lack.

You don’t need to get stressed contemplating the big life decisions you feel you need to make to create a big change. Instead start with the subtle. Changes at a micro level will lead to change at a macro level. And it all starts with our state of mind. Our thoughts, beliefs, attitude, and actions create our PARADIGM. If you want to change your life you need to change your paradigm. So for this week, I challenge you to bring some awareness to your thoughts and your attitude. Try to watch your thoughts throughout the day. Notice if your thoughts are positive and empowering or if they are negative and soul-crushing. Also check your attitude as you move from one task to another throughout your day. When you wake up are you already annoyed and irritable? Or are you waking up with a sense of gratitude for your life? When you go to the grocery store are you feeling anxious and rushed or are you enjoying the abundance all around you? Just notice where you are at right now with your current state of being. Whatever you notice try not to make a judgement. The point is to bring awareness to your current state of mind/being, not to beat yourself up. Once you are aware, then you can start to shift you thoughts and attitude to your desired state of being.

Give yourself time to become aware of your current state of being. At some point in the week I want you to journal your observations or have a conversation with someone in your life about this topic and ask them about their state of being. We’ll come back next week and talk more!

Satchie Wolfe