Fall, a Time for Change
A cold front has come through Austin, welcoming me into the the fall season. I don’t care if it won’t last long. I’m taking this weather as an opportunity to relax and reflect. I’ve had so many revelations in this past month and have been so inspired by my work. Since I started the path of teaching yoga my life has dramatically changed. I’ve witnessed this change from the inside out. My inner world has slowly transformed as well as my outer world. And somehow I’ve landed in a space of contentment that I used to believe wasn’t possible for me. When you live in a state of depression or anxiety you get so used to that way of being. But I am here to tell you, if you have thoughts or feelings that reflect a desire for a better way of living, it is absolutely 100% possible and achievable. Our current society is moving at such a fast pace. From the speed at which we can access anything at our fingertips to the drive we have for success and abundance. It can be so overwhelming. If you don’t have tools to ground you, you will get swept away or stuck. I’m not promising the tools that have worked for me will work for you. But I am promising that there is another way to live, in which you feel a sense of peace and contentment no matter the circumstances of your life. Perhaps something I share with you plants a seed or helps to water what is already growing within you. And then you are inspired to experiment or learn more. We are so connected whether we realize it or not. Maybe your brain has convinced you that you are alone and disconnected from those around you. But on a physical and energetic level we are all connected and have an affect on each other whether we are aware of it or not. So this is my invitation to you to take responsibility for the path you are on. Maybe you feel like someone else pushed you on this path or placed you where you are or you didn’t have any other options. Well mate, at the end of the day you are the driver and you can choose to turn at anytime you want. So if where your going doesn’t feel good or excite the crap out of you…guess what its not too late to take the next left. I’m here to support you and offer tools to ease your transition. Physically, mentally, spiritually.
Number one start with your body. Take this fall season as a time to nourish yourself. Our bodies are a freaking miracle. They are the biggest blessing that we have. If you’ve been experiencing any pain in your body, it is sending you a message! This is a call to bring your muscles back into balance. All the systems in your body are constantly working and adjusting to bring your body to homeostasis, a state of balance. But if you’re constantly filling yourself up with garbage, then it has to put all it’s efforts into clearing out the garbage and just functioning. Start with the foods you put into your body. There is so much information out there regarding nutrition and how to take care of ourselves. My latest favorite resource is https://nutritionfacts.org/ Check out this website for easy to understand information on how not to die.
Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude. This is definitely a buzzword right now, but I’m going to say it again because it is one of the best ways to change your state of mind. You have to train your mind to focus and dwell on what you have rather than what’s lacking.
Get in touch with your spiritual beliefs. I don’t care what you believe in, but you have to believe in something. If you haven’t figured it out yet, make it a priority.